Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Cover recipe book

Click on the image
to get a better impression.

Back side

A brief introduction: one of the background stories. Plus a list of all the participants. The used names are examples and will be replaced by the real participants plus the countries where they live.

Double page design

The elements:

Please click on the image above to get a better (larger) impression

- Who you are (also the possibility to show your links)

- Your personal story
Tell something about yourself and how you got involved in food. Something about your childhood or a personal experience which helped creating your passion for slow food.

- Your recipe. We can only use original recipes(no copied materials).

- Your picture with the food you have created based on your recipe
A Dutch photographer will make this with the help of Skype.
If you don't have Skype yet go to and download and install the software.

To make the pic you need to have a webcam. We would appreciate if everybody is represented on the page with a picture with his or her prepared food. Think of placing your computer with built in webcam on your table when we will register you for using the picture in the book. It offers other possibilities to create something and show something of your daily environment (if you like).

- You can give your opinion about the recipe from people who also participate. In the small portraits on the right page you get an impression. We will send you all the recipes before publishing. In this way we offer you the possibility to be present on more pages by giving a comment on somebody else’s input.

- Background and origin of the recipe of your choice (top right page). If you do not know all details use Google (parexample) to get more information.

- Directions: the explanation how to prepare the food/your recipe.

Thanks for participating. We will keep you updated about the next steps.

Seeding the book

With so many writers involved we can introduce the book on large scale on the internet. By using this widget the moment the book is ready to distribute. Discover this 'portable mini site' and the different pages with the help of the menu. By copying the code which we will deliver to you, you can put the widget on your personal blog, on your Facebook page, mention it on Twitter or put it on your own site. The writers are the media so to say.

Make a Free Website at

Information about the project.

If you would like to have more information about how to participate or like to introduce people who want to join the initiative please contact Karista Bennett:


Erik Vos:


Lorraine Trifiletti (US) has joined the team and she will help producing the book by proofreading. Thanks for joining Lorraine!

Nicky Crowe (UK) has joined the team to support us on marketing level and organising.

If you think you can help with media, creating awareness, on the production or publishing level let us know.

Karista and Erik.